Shipping perishables

3 Things You Could Be Protecting With Thermal Quilt Insulation

By December 7, 2021 No Comments

Are you a shipper? You know, do you have contracts with various companies to ship their products to stores and warehouses or deliver them to peoples’ homes? If that’s the case, you can’t be too careful when it comes to protecting items from extreme hot or cold. Can you even imagine what would happen if things got ruined on your watch? It probably wouldn’t be pretty.

For instance, those nice little contracts you have may become no more. After all, who is going to continue to pay someone to deliver their stuff if it’s arriving damaged? Not many people, that’s who. Plus, the seller could file a claim against your insurance. That’s fine because that is why you have the coverage, but the filing might also make your premiums skyrocket. And who can afford that today?

The point is that you should try to protect each and every load from hot and cold temperatures. Then, the pieces will get to where they’re going unscathed, and the problems mentioned above won’t exist. Now, let’s look at three particular items that thermal quilt insulation can help you safeguard.

1. Medications

When prescription or over-the-counter drugs are subjected to extreme heat, they can become less effective. Not only that, but the ingredients can separate, especially when the medicine is in liquid form. Then, instead of being smooth, a chunky or thick substance can develop at the top of the bottle. Additionally, medications’ tastes, smells, and colors can change if they get too hot or cold for long periods. So, protect these shipments with an Elite Container Blanket, and stop such issues in their tracks.

2. Fruits

How about bananas, peaches, and other fruits? Are they regularly loaded into your trailer? That’s great if so because there are supply chain shortages everywhere these days, and you’re helping keep everyone fed. However, if a shipment gets ruined by extreme heat, that’s a claim you won’t be able to make. Instead, you could be contributing to the problem by delivering mushy, nasty-tasting fruits. Thermal quilt insulation can prove to be just what the doctor ordered for keeping this dilemma at bay.

3. Other Foods

Meal kit companies make it easy to feed yourself or your family. They send packages with pre-made meals or fresh ingredients to peoples’ doors. But if the foods are discolored, have obnoxious odors, and don’t have appealing flavors when they arrive, the organization is certainly going to hear about it. Of course, then, the shipper is going to get an earful too. Make sure that doesn’t happen by protecting meal kit shipments with thermal quilt insulation.

If you need to protect these or other goods from extreme heat and cold, look no further than the SureTemp Line. We have various products available to assist you in this regard. So, whenever you’re ready, don’t hesitate to contact us and place an order.