Shipping perishables

How Can AI Help Logistics?

By December 19, 2023 No Comments

Over the last few years, there has been increasing attention paid to artificial intelligence, or “AI.” However, this isn’t true AI in the sense that it is an artificial being with self-awareness and independent thought, but rather complex algorithms that are able to infer patterns and create new patterns based on data collection. This has resulted in AI doing everything from taking over roles as chatbots for customer service to even creating digital artwork based on word prompts, analyzing voice samples, and flawlessly imitating famous people speaking or singing. But what can AI do in cold chain packaging logistics?

Not Taking Over The World

The big fear that AI could displace many jobs in logistics is, for the most part, nothing that will happen anytime soon. Self-driving trucks using AI, for example, have been found to be far more challenging than originally anticipated, especially from a legal liability standpoint. So, freight vehicles that operate themselves continue to remain a distant future concept.

However, the vast amounts of data that AI can process are where the true value of this technology comes in. So, while ships, planes, and trucks may not be operating themselves, there are still areas where AI, paired with precautions like cold chain packaging, can play an important role in keeping temperature-sensitive cargo viable. Here’s how.

Warehouse Operations

Keeping inventory organized in a warehouse and moving it from one location to another is often grueling, detail-oriented work. AI, however, can provide some relief in this area, as hardware can be used to move cargo within the warehouse itself for better organization.

Moreover, AI can be used for real-time tracking of cargo, which, if this is combined with moving the cargo, makes for far more accurate moving and storage, dramatically reducing the chance of loss or accidental placement, storage, or loading of goods.

Predictive Analytics

“Big data analysis” is taking huge amounts of data and extracting patterns and meaning from it. AI can excel in this area by making predictions based on past data and events. For example, if certain recurring events tend to precede delays in shipping during the holiday season, predictive analysis can spot these telltale signs and provide warnings about compensating for these upcoming events.

Cold chain packaging is essential to this AI effort. With the right cold chain packaging, temperature-sensitive goods retain their ideal shipping temperature even when removed from the controlled environments of reefer units. This can keep shipments viable even when exposed to the environment due to delays.

If you’re shipping temperature-sensitive products and want more protection, contact Protek Cargo with your needs and get a quote.