Shipping perishables

Common Goods Can Cause Shipping Problems

By September 19, 2017 No Comments

Attempting to ship common goods can pose a host of problems if the proper precautions are not taken. Imagine a shipment that contains lotions, shampoos, cosmetics, and nail polish – certainly a reasonable and realistic shipment. If this shipment is not protected, your company could suffer expensive losses when your shipment is damaged. What needs to be considered when shipping common goods?

Is The Product Flammable?

Many common goods are flammable, which means your shipment is in trouble if you do not make efforts to implement passive temperature control. For example, if you are shipping nail polish, you should know the product’s flashpoint and toxicity, and then ensure that the shipment does not reach this temperature. Additionally, perfumes often contain alcohol which too can catch fire if held at a certain temperature.

It’s important to consider that flammable goods can ruin an entire shipment. You may only have a few boxes of nail polish, but if they were to catch fire, the entire cargo-load would quickly go up in flames. It’s better to be safe than sorry and take precautions when shipping.

Will The Product Be Ruined By Extreme Temperatures?

Even if flammability is not a concern, extreme temperatures can still ruin your product. Makeup and cosmetics can be particularly expensive, but can also be ruined if left in the heat. Other skin care products such as shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and face washes can be ruined by the heat. Heat can separate the ingredients in these products, ruining their consistency. Even if that did not occur, then heat will drastically reduce the shelf life of these products.

Passive Temperature Control

Protecting your shipments is a worthwhile investment that will prevent you from having to take expensive losses. SureTemp products, such as container blankets, are extremely durable and can help ensure that your shipments arrive safely and ready for consumer use!