Shipping perishables

Improving Ocean Freight Shipping Methods

By February 6, 2018 No Comments

Pharmaceutical companies are constantly trying to balance between shipping speed and cost. This balance is especially delicate in the pharmaceutical industry because of how sensitive most of their shipments are. In the past, many pharmaceutical companies have chosen to ship their products by air, which often proves to be expensive.

Lately, more and more pharmaceutical companies have been choosing ocean freight as their primary transportation method. The ocean freight industry will need to make improvements to its supply chain if it seeks to maintain the pharmaceutical industry’s business.


Improving Communication In Ocean Freight Shipments


Those who ship using ocean freight methods continually complain that inadequate communication most effects the supply chain. Communication drives inefficiency within the system. Inefficiency can prove costly, especially for pharmaceutical companies. Because pharmaceutical shipments are so sensitive to temperature changes, any unnecessary travel could result in a product that’s been ruined.

One of the biggest problems ocean freight companies struggle with is port calls. Over the past few years, as an increasing number of industries have chosen to use ocean freight as their primary shipping method, port calls have become more complex. Different customers have different requirements for their products, which creates issues with the supply chain logistics that take place in port. The ocean freight industry has not been able to keep up with the changing landscape.

Ocean freight companies should collaborate with pharmaceutical companies, working together to determine the best ways to transfer information. Pharmaceutical companies may be willing to pay for improvements that would increase transparency and communication. Companies may also be willing to pay for the installation of new equipment that would improve the supply chain process. For pharmaceutical companies, these could be seen as worthwhile investments that are less costly than continually shipping by air or having an entire shipment lost because the cold chain was not preserved.


Cost-Effective Measure To Protecting A Shipment


As pharmaceutical companies look to reduce the costs associated with maintaining proper cold chain shipping procedures, they’ll find one of the best methods of doing so is through the use of insulated pallet covers. Thermal pallet covers, such as the ones offered by SureTemp, are an effective way to minimize temperature excursions.
SureTemp pallet covers feature a heavy-gauge woven polyethylene and low-conductive synthetic hollow fibers which combine for a strong thermal barrier. SureTemp pallet covers can be used to help maintain the desired shipping temperature. Available for an affordable cost and lasting over a decade, pallet covers are a great secondary form of protection for cold chain shipments.