Consumers have all kinds of choices when it comes to purchasing cell phones today. The must-have items are essential in the modern world. As such, loads of people consider going into business buying and selling the devices, and who can blame them? There are plenty of companies for them to partner with, and lots of business to go around. Regardless of what brands or models the individual selects, he or she must take certain measures to ensure that the units are safeguarded against heat during the shipping process.
After all, summertime is fast approaching. That means various areas across the United States will be hitting upwards of the 100-degree mark. When the components of electronics get too hot, they can sustain damages. Then, the recipient receives a product that won’t turn on and off, the volume won’t go up or down, or maybe, the images on the screen are distorted and blurry. Regardless of what is going on, the seller is sure to get an ear full.
Insulated Shipping Boxes Can Help
Cell phone merchants that want to avoid such headaches may want to consider picking up some of our liners. They slide inside standard FedEx, UPS, and USPS containers effortlessly to create insulated shipping boxes. The sleeves feature either metalized or pure aluminum coatings that protect against solar radiation. Meanwhile, they also have an advanced trapped air insulation system to keep the temperature inside the package stable for an extended period. The double-bubble option is even available in custom sizes for situations where bigger insulated shipping boxes are needed.
Don’t Forget To Protect Pallet Shipments
Proprietors who ship cell phones by the pallet load may want to go a different route. The SureTemp Elite Pallet Covers are ideal shipping solutions that protect products against both heat and cold. Also, the coverings are reusable. They are made using high-quality materials and manufacturing techniques, making them robust and able to handle heavy use without fail. The cover’s outer shell is a poly-coated aluminum foil that reflects sunlight.
At the center, the blanket has low-synthetic hollow fibers, which serve as the insulation that nips temperature excursions in the bud. So, if you are going to be transporting smart, flip, or other types of phones in the future, ensure that hot temps don’t wreak havoc on them with the SureTemp line of products.