Shipping perishables

Are You Doing Enough To Protect Medications?

By January 12, 2021 No Comments

Pharmacies and online retailers have probably been pretty busy as of late. More consumers than ever before are shopping via the web these days because of COVID-19. In turn, organizations send all sorts of stuff through the mail, by Fed Ex, or with UPS. They ship products directly to their customers’ doors to keep them safe. Of course, plenty of folks are still shopping in-person as well. However, we will only be discussing online purchases for these purposes.

If your business ships medications, are you doing enough to protect them from temperature fluctuations? Winter has finally arrived, and if the recent cold spells have taught us anything, it is that we could be in for a cold one this year. After all, some places up north received somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 inches of snow last week. Temperatures dropped well below freezing in those areas and stayed that way for quite some time.

When prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicines are subjected to cold temps, they can become less effective. The consequences can be life-threatening for patients who take insulin or nitroglycerin. Other problems can arise, too, though. For instance, if a woman’s birth control pills get ruined by the weather during transport, she may become pregnant, which she was trying to avoid. The potential devastating outcomes can go on and on, but you probably get the gist of it.

Luckily, online pharmacists and retailers can do something to protect medications from freezing temperatures. They can utilize insulated shipping boxes to keep products safe. These professionals don’t have to run out and buy special cases. Instead, they can purchase our box liners. The units offer short-term protection to parcel packages at the origin, destination, and transshipment points.

How Insulated Shipping Boxes Work

Our liners slide inside standard UPS, USPS, and FedEx boxes. They can also go on the outside of the receptacles to create insulated shipping boxes. Clients have the option of choosing metalized outer shells or ones of pure aluminum. The liners are available with single or double-bubble insulation too. They are lightweight, which is a huge plus because the insulated shipping boxes will cost little to nothing more to ship than standard packages. We get it; companies need to watch their bottom lines today.

The liners provide exceptional thermal protection. They are easy to install and give sellers peace of mind. Merchants enjoy knowing that they have done everything in their power to ensure medications reach their destinations in stellar form. So, don’t delay any longer. Get your liners and discover what the fuss is about for yourself.