Shipping perishables

Pharmaceuticals Must Be Shipped With Great Care

By April 26, 2022 No Comments

The intricate coordination required in logistics is often lost on businesses that simply receive shipments, especially the general public who orders items online and expects them to be at their door in a day or two. The amount of effort and organization that goes into executing these “simple” requests is vast and, in the case of some products, requires extra effort and temperature protection.

Pharmaceuticals, for example, are a very special kind of cargo that must be treated with care. Because of the delicate nature of the formulations involved in medications, there are strict guidelines for how to ship these items. This may sometimes require additional equipment, such as tarmac temperature protection.

Solid But Sensitive

Pharmaceuticals occupy a special area in the world of logistics. Physically, they are often quite durable, as liquids, pills, gel caplets, and other medications are easily stored in bottles, boxes, and other containers. This makes them comparatively easy to flat pack, similar to products in the retail sector, such as consumer electronics.

However, while making shipping easier, the physical durability doesn’t always protect pharmaceuticals from another important factor, and that is temperature. Unlike general consumer products like retail electronics, pharmaceuticals must be kept at a specific temperature if they are to remain effective when consumed for medicinal needs. While pharmaceuticals are robust enough to tolerate significant temperature changes for short periods, sustained exposure can impair the efficacy of the medications.

Prepare For Contingencies

It’s never wise to assume that every step of a logistics plan will go smoothly. This is one of the reasons why precautions like tarmac temperature protection systems can be invaluable during shipping. There may be circumstances where a delay in one link of the shipping chain results in cargo having to wait, exposed to the elements.

So, for example, if cargo taken off a plane must sit on the runway for an hour—or even several—before it is finally picked up and delivered to a distribution warehouse, that can have an adverse effect if the freight is pharmaceuticals. Exposure to the sun and heat in the summer or frigid temperatures in the winter can raise or lower the internal temperature of the pharmaceuticals well beyond the point required for them to retain their efficacy. If no precautions have been taken for this possibility, then significant portions of a shipment may be unusable by the time they arrive at their destinations.

Protect Your Investment

Shipping is now faster, more efficient, and more complex than ever. Depending on the priority and the amount of time and money spent, goods can cross the world and arrive at a destination on the other planet mere hours after being sent. This, however, does not mean that precautions shouldn’t be taken to protect precious cargo, such as pharmaceuticals.

It’s always best to be prepared for the unexpected, especially with temperature-sensitive cargo like medications. Invest in constant, passive reinforcement, such as tarmac temperature protection systems. Contact us and let us know your needs. We’ll be happy to find the right solution for you that protects your cargo, enhances your business reputation, and keeps your products intact even when the unexpected happens.