Shipping perishables

How Fruit Shippers Can Optimize Transportation

By August 30, 2022 No Comments

From the moment workers harvest a fruit, it is a race against time to get the fresh, ripe produce to customers. Apart from time, fruit shippers must be conscious of other elements that may affect their fruits, such as structural stresses and temperature. Any company worth their salt, wants to bring their produce to customers as fresh as possible. Minimizing factors that can damage fruits, such as by using proper packaging and thermal blanket for food transportation is important in optimizing logistics for fruits.

Planning And Tracking

A detailed shipping strategy is key to transporting fruits at the peak of freshness every time. Your strategy should consider unpredictable elements like the weather and changes in consumer demands. This also requires constant communication with carriers to ensure that your load readiness matches the arrival of trucks. Likewise, logistics managers should always be up-to-date on the status of shipments. These will help ensure that deliveries stay on schedule with the shelf life of your products, and therefore reducing the risk of spoilage.

Using The Right Packaging

Consumers usually see physical damages on fruits as a sign of poor quality. However, unless fruits are packed properly, physical damages are difficult to avoid due to the unpredictable conditions during shipment. The best way to prevent these is to follow the best packaging practices for your fruits, such as:

• Using only pallets that are in good condition
• Ensuring that carriers follow correct stacking practices, such as stacking heaviest boxes in the bottom.
• Sealing products in plastic, plastic containers, and/or using soft foams, as appropriate.

Stay On Top Of Government Regulations

Since fruits are consumed by people, they are, naturally, subject to high food safety and quality standards no matter which country you ship. To ensure that your products do not get held up at their destination country’s customs, ensure that you meet the requirements and have processed the necessary documents.

Controlling The Environment

Temperature and humidity are two important factors when it comes to shipping fruits. Keeping fruits chilled is key to keeping them fresh because hot temperatures accelerate rotting. Temperature control, however, has become a lot trickier lately due to challenges brought about by climate change. Thermal blanket for food transportation was made exactly for maintaining optimal temperature for perishable products. This thermal blanket provides insulation to protect your fruits from both extreme heat and cold.

Protect Your Fruits In Transit

Optimizing transportation of fruits requires extensive planning and anticipation of challenges. You can minimize losses by protecting your produce from the get go with our SureTemp Elite Container Blanket. Our thermal blanket for food transportation is a cost-effective and sustainable way to keep your fruits fresh no matter where they are headed.

Contact Protekcargo to learn more.