Shipping perishables

Developing A Supply Chain With Sustainable Temperature Protection

By December 11, 2018 No Comments

Thanks to ecommerce, shipping is becoming more and more prominent in our daily lives. Customers can now order practically anything online and have it delivered to their door directly. Although this provides incredible convenience to customers, they often fail to recognize the supply chain challenges that it has created as a result. Suppliers and carriers have had to develop products that allowed them to mitigate temperature excursions.

Using Products That Provide Temperature Protection

As more and more goods become sensitive to temperature excursions, agents in the supply chain should utilize long-term protection. These products are sustainable and affordable. For instance, shippers and carriers can consider products like the SureTemp Elite Pallet Cover and the SureTemp Elite Container Blanket.

These products were designed to be integrated into the supply chain seamlessly. They are reusable, which makes them a sustainable option. Shippers should consider using these products as the baseline for their temperature control solutions.

What To Expect Moving Forward

As we move into the future, suppliers and carriers are going to have to advance technology to prevent temperature excursions further. For instance, in the future, it’s reasonable to expect that pharmaceuticals must be kept in a range of three degrees. This could pose to be a significant challenge for the supply chain, and it’s imperative that agents begin planning for these events for when they become an issue.

Shippers and carriers will also have to continue to find ways to protect temperature excursions when unexpected delays occur. Although unexpected delays are challenging, finding ways to prevent the loss of products when they occur could prove vital. For instance, hurricanes in the Southeastern United States last fall demonstrated the need for continual supply chain integration to reach sustainable temperature protection.