Shipping perishables

Keeping Perishables Fresh: How Small Business Can Profit Better From Thermal Shipping

By April 7, 2020 No Comments

Between perishable food and pharmaceutical goods, there are a lot of reasons why shipping and packing companies need to provide thermal packaging and shipping services. Several international companies that deal with temperature and time-sensitive deliveries tend to require using these services.

However, with the advent of globalization, even smaller businesses need to understand the importance of tapping service providers who can ship using double bubble foil insulation. If you are a small company that is in the business of shipping these sensitive goods, it’s best to understand how this service can work for you.

Choose a Shipping Partner That Has Your Shipping Needs

Perishable goods that are delivered in nearby areas can be easily solved by regular local shipping units. These involve the use of styrofoam boxes, insulated liners, or even small refrigerator units. However, once a business goes beyond this capability, they also need to upgrade the kind of logistics they manage.

To ensure proper transport, you will need to utilize other shipping methods. The first step to do is to make a feasibility study of your company’s needs so that you can tap a shipping partner that can answer those needs down to the last minute or temperature needed for shipping your products.

Proven to Ship and Store Temperature-Sensitive Goods Longer

According to research and tests conducted on thermal pallet covers, it was found that they were twice as likely to keep sensitive goods from perishing, especially during transport time in hotter weather. The good thing about using thermal pallet covers is that it can provide protection during transient distribution.

This especially works for heat-sensitive products or for businesses that need to ship under unfavorable conditions. Research on using double bubble foil insulation shows that they are on par with other refrigerating equipment, at better costs and logistics. Best of all, companies that use soft thermal pallet covers offer a better advantage of easy handling and distribution of materials.

Ensure Regulations are Documented Properly

Because of globalization, even small businesses can be subject to international shipping. There are some shipments that would require specific handling and packaging when it comes to shipping overseas. Some of these businesses may carry perishables, which require the use of double bubble foil insulation.

To ensure that stringent policies are met, national regulators are now stricter in enforcing the documentation that occurs when shipping refrigerated products. This includes documenting the temperature range that they were transported in, as well as the protection that they have when they are exposed to hot or cold temperatures.

With ProtekCargo, you are assured of temperature sensitive freight insulation. Using double bubble foil insulation, the company offers transport services for pharmaceutical, perishable goods, beverages, and even chemicals and paints.

Best of all, it offers packages and services that would benefit business, big or small. This way, the products will arrive safely and securely to its destination, wherever in the world they may be.