Shipping perishables

Ways To Ensure People Receive Their Christmas Gifts Unscathed This Year

By December 17, 2019 No Comments

Consumer shopping trends have certainly taken quite the turn over the last few decades. Sure, there are still the die-hard shoppers that head to traditional brick-and-mortar stores for doorbusters and Black Friday sales. However, many individuals have abandoned these conventional methods when it comes to shopping for Christmas presents. Instead, they get on their smartphones, laptops, or tablets and purchase gifts online, and why not?

The tactic allows them to search for the best deals while finding the perfect products for family members, friends, co-workers, and more. Plus, shopping online is extremely convenient. Persons don’t have to fight with long check out lines, crowded aisles, or rude people. Heck, they can take care of all of their gift shopping from home in their pajamas if they wish. Then, in a matter of no time, the goods are delivered right to the individual’s front door.

Due to the shift in consumer shopping, every logistics company needs to put its best foot forward to ensure that the goods arrive unscathed. For instance, if they are delivering food, beverages, or even electronics, the items can sustain damage when they are not adequately protected from hot and cold temperatures. Should the packages arrive in less than stellar conditions, logistics managers may find themselves in hot water with clients. So, interested parties should stay put and read on to learn about some high-quality pieces that are worthy of being added to any fleet.

Consider Investing In These Units To Safeguard Your Shipments

1. Insulated Freezer Blankets

Don’t fret if you don’t know what insulated freezer blankets are, as everything will be explained right here. These units feature an outer layer made of a reflective metalized film that stops solar radiation in its tracks. Meanwhile, the insulated freezer blankets contain bubble insulation at the core, which is between two layers of polyethylene. This aspect reduces heat transfer through conduction. So, if you need instant, one-way protection, and temperature control, think about adding these coverings to your trucks.

2. SureTemp Premium Wall Liner

Trailer walls are thin. As such, the temperature inside them can fluctuate significantly on a single trip, depending on where the driver is headed and the types of climates he or she is passing through along the way. In other words, letting the products being transported get too hot or cold is a big no-no. The double bubble wall liner could be just what the doctor ordered for keeping the fluctuating temperatures in check. It is designed to protect from cold and heat. So, what are you waiting for? Think outside the box and assure that peoples’ gifts arrive at their destinations safe and sound this year.