Shipping perishables

How Does Double Bubble Foil Insulation Work?

By May 30, 2023 No Comments

The general advantage of passive temperature control systems is their versatility, especially for unforeseen contingencies. Active temperature control systems work very well when everything goes according to plan, like refrigeration units that keep freight cool in trucks during transport.But there are times when freight must be moved out of that temperature-controlled environment. And while temperature-sensitive freight may tolerate this for a few minutes if there’s a delay, exposure to a dramatic temperature swing for sustained periods can compromise the condition of this freight. Alcohol and pharmaceuticals are prime examples of this.

Double bubble foil insulation is one way to fight this without needing batteries or access to electrical power to maintain temperature.

Fighting Radiant Heat

The mechanism that drives double bubble foil insulation is repelling radiant heat. Radiant heat is exactly what you’d expect from a strong light source, such as the sun. Heat radiates from a source and travels through the air. When it meets a cooler object, heat radiates toward that source until it is at the same temperature as the rest of the environment.

Double bubble foil insulation acts as a barrier toward cool or chilled freight. Where unprotected freight will absorb the radiant heat, double bubble foil insulation provides one layer of protection that maintains the established temperature of the freight. In contrast, the other layer repels the radiant heat that is trying to seep in.

This protection comes from the dual layers of air and the choice of materials. Foil is a naturally reflective surface for light and many types of radiation, including heat. This means that the heat never reaches the cargo but is instead bounced back into the air surrounding the shipment.

Temperature & Physical Protection

A layer of double bubble foil insulation protects cargo in two ways. It provides the environmental protection that more delicate cargo like pharmaceuticals require and physical protection. This protective layer keeps off rain, snow, and even frost accumulation, which can compromise or even damage packaging if there is any sustained exposure.

This added layer of extra protection means that even contingencies like cargo caught in a summer rainstorm for an extra few hours will not impact the quality of delicate cargo. It can still arrive in perfect condition, physically intact as well as still effective for use, whether it’s a fruit, alcohol, or medication.

If you’d like to ensure your business shipping goes smoothly and enjoy more efficient temperature-controlled shipping like passive temperature control, we can help. Contact Protek Cargo with your questions and get a quote.