Shipping perishables

Some Freight Benefits From Temperature Control

By October 16, 2018 No Comments

Modern first world society depends on many different factors in order to keep prospering. But one of the most important, that few “first-worlders” really give much thought to is the world of freight transport and the infrastructure that underlies it. Most people think of the conveniences of our culture as being based on using smartphones to access the Internet, or turning on lights at night with the flick of a switch.

However, getting things on time, from light bulbs to medicine, to a shipment of fruit, is one of the cornerstones of modern society. Without stores, hospitals or even factories getting the components they need, when they need them, life would be very different. That’s why it’s important to remember just how important cargo transportation is, and, surprisingly, how important temperature control can be in that process. Not every piece of cargo is a sofa or table that only needs to be protected from bumps and scratches. Some cargo can be dramatically affected by changes in temperature, and three, in particular, rely on important technologies like both active and passive temperature control in order to arrive at their destinations in good working order.


Most people don’t think of electronics as something that can be affected by temperature, since they’re made of plastic, silicon and other hardy materials. But the truth is, electronics are quite sensitive to temperature changes, and extreme heat, in particular can damage them. Connecting points and even points where electronics are soldered to each other can soften, or even detach thanks to the heat. And heat can even affect the displays, if the electronics have one, or damage the memory. Since many devices today, including phones and even televisions and fridges now have electronic components like this, proper temperature control is more important than ever.

Fruit & Vegetables

This, in particular, should surprise no one. Food is, after all a very tasty but delicate, perishable item. Given enough time, naturally grown foods like fruits and vegetables have a lifespan before they begin, inevitably, to rot, and become unsafe to eat.

With fruits and vegetables, in particular, constant exposure to high temperatures can accelerate the ripening—and then the rotting—process. On the other hand, food that is allowed to freeze, and then thaw, can also rot, or simply lose a lot of flavor depending on just how rapid the freezing and thawing process was.


Most people wouldn’t think that pills would be much trouble to keep safe, since they are, comparatively speaking, “dry goods.” But high temperatures can affect vaccines and even pills, tablets and capsules. Lorazepam, as one example, is an important anti-anxiety medication and sleep aid. But if these pills are exposed to temperatures over 100° F, they can lose up to 75% of their efficiency.

This becomes even more problematic when looking at liquid medications such as oral medicine or vaccines, which are even more sensitive to temperature changes. Depending on the medication, some vaccines or pills can lose effectiveness or, worse yet, become actively harmful.

So temperature control is very important for some of the most important cargo!