Shipping perishables

Make Shipping Temperature-Sensitive Products A Breeze By Investing In This Item

By April 14, 2020 No Comments

Even in the midst of a pandemic, tractor-trailer fleets are responsible for keeping America going. The COVID-19 crisis is in full bloom, which has led to numerous citizens staying home to stay safe, but many transport companies are still working diligently, transporting goods from place to place. The professional drivers push forward to get consumers the equipment, medications, tests, food, and more that they need to make it through this difficult time. Using a SureTemp container blanket will keep these products safe. 

Although minutes and hours are precious because of the novel coronavirus, organizations should avoid getting into a rush and fail to protect the items from extreme heat or cold. Why? Well, for starters, damaged products won’t do anybody much good. For example, when medicines get subjected to freezing/scorching temperatures, they may break down and lose their potency. Patients who take less than full strength pills, tablets, syrups, or whatever, may not be able to alleviate or manage particular symptoms and conditions.

Then again, shipping temperature-sensitive products can be challenging where food is concerned as well. Perishables, like fruits and veggies, can have their tastes, smells, and colors altered when very high or low temperatures enter the picture. The last thing anybody wants is to expect a mouthful of yummy goodness, only to receive the opposite. Such examples can go on and on and on, but this small sample size should give readers the gist of things. 

Features Of The SureTemp Container Blanket

This covering is robust, tough, and durable. It can be used again and again when shipping temperature-sensitive products. Meanwhile, the straightforward design allows for easy installation. In other words, the driver can have the cover in place in the blink of an eye, without taking up too much of his or her time. The outer shell is poly-coated aluminum foil, which is perfect for reflecting IR radiation. This blanket is a great choice for big-rig operators that need their cargo’s temperature to remain constant and stable for an extended period.

There are plenty of other options available from pallet covers to box liners to slip sheets and more. So, don’t fret if this container blanket doesn’t float your boat. Instead, reach out to our representatives to discuss your alternatives. We have the tools that you need to prevent extreme temperatures from wreaking havoc on your shipments.