Stringent Testing Means Qualified Results

It all stems from the passion we have for understanding the thermodynamics of shipping containers. We work closely with quality assurance teams and test every theory we develop using a variety of methods including chamber testing, live load testing, and finite element analysis. With this array of methods, we are able to learn how each of our products perform against the three forms of heat transfer: radiation, conduction, and convection.

The Purpose

Protek Cargo has continually tested loading patterns and monitored shipping conditions over time in order to improve current practices. Tests are conducted regularly to ensure that products endure harsh shipping conditions.

As the market grows, better shipping methods that are both robust and economical are increasingly becoming necessary. These tests are also conducted to compare current versus new methods, and using results to develop new methods further improving shipping and deliver high quality products in their pristine condition in the most economical way possible.

Several questions come up when conducting tests:

Will the products reach their destination without compromises in quality? Will the new passive insulation be enough to replace refrigerated trucks? How does this compare to other insulation options available? How can this insulation be improved? These tests seek to answer these questions.

Up to date shipping and chamber trials showed that during extended periods of harsh conditions (hot or cold) over seven days, the wine temperature increase or decrease to the point where the closure could be compromised or the bottle could explode. In the case of flexible packaging the shelf life would be significantly reduced. Thus using improved insulation is justified to be trialed to show if it can keep the wine away from extreme temperatures. This test will show when it is necessary to consider using refrigerated trucks.

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