Shipping perishables

Tools To Help Owner-Operators Deliver Wine Shipments In The Summertime

By April 28, 2020 No Comments

When wine gets exposed to extreme heat, nothing good will come from the experience. For starters, the flavor of the beverage may become unpleasant. It will develop an acidic taste that most people don’t enjoy. Instead of recipients receiving a mouthful of sweet and delicious flavor, they wind up wishing they had never taken a sip in the first place. The smell of the enticing drink can change too. Rather than getting a nice, fruity sniff upon opening a bottle, the individual might notice a sour odor, which could make the hairs inside their nose want to curl.

According to an article on the Vine Pair website, damage to wine starts to set in at about 70-degrees Fahrenheit. That can be a big problem for an owner-operator, especially one that does not have a temperature-controlled trailer. Why? Well, when the heat outside feels like it is too much to take, it is even hotter inside the container. However, there are some tools that big-rig operators can invest in to ensure that their wine deliveries arrive at their destinations in peak condition.

Thermal Quilt Insulation

The SureTemp Elite Container Blanket provides owner-operators with temperature stability. It has an outer shell featuring heavy-gauge woven polyethylene, which is heat-sealed to a poly-coated aluminum foil. This option is rugged and durable to hold up against tugging, pulling, and folding without ripping, tearing, or falling apart. Additionally, the thermal quilt insulation reflects IR radiation. In other words, it is the perfect solution for keeping wines, electronics, perishables, and more at a constant, stable temperature.

The Premium Wall Liner

Aside from thermal quilt insulation, persons may want to consider investing in SureTemp Premium wall liners as well. The products are exactly what they sound like, barriers that provide short-term stability to goods against temperature excursions. These liners are available in two designs, single and double-bubble. The first is primarily for heat, while the latter offers heat and cold protection.

These units are meant for single use. They are lightweight, easy to set up, and just as simple to take back down. Plus, both selections come with install magnets that make installation a breeze. Also, custom sizes are available too. So, don’t fret if your container or trailer is a bit odd shaped. Protek Cargo has you covered. Feel free to contact our office to learn about these and other products to protect your wine shipments.