Shipping perishables

Why Online Pharmacies Should Consider Using Insulated Box Liners

By May 5, 2020 No Comments

COVID-19 is a coronavirus that is stirring up trouble globally right now. It is even causing issues here in the United States. As of 3/29/20, the country was at over 125,000 confirmed cases. Symptoms commonly associated with the infection include…
• Fever
• Cough
• And Difficulty Breathing

However, the outcomes are the real issue. No treatments are available. Some people recover from the virus, but others perish and pass away. On Sunday the 29th, the latter’s count stood at 2,202 in the U.S. Meanwhile, the amount was 31,776 on the global stage.

Because of the situation, Americans are being asked to say home to stay safe. With any luck, the action will stop COVID-19 from spreading, and before a lockdown is ordered nationwide. In either case, folks will still need necessities like groceries and prescriptions. Therefore, as the circumstances continue to unfold, more and more people will likely turn to online pharmacies for their medication needs. As such, the organizations must take certain precautions to ensure that hot/cold temperatures don’t affect the pills, tablets, or syrups.

Useful Information About SureTemp Premium Insulated Box Liners

When medicines are subjected to heat or cold for extended periods, they can sometimes become less effective. In other words, instead of getting a full dosage, the patient might wind up taking a 3/4 or half dose. Then, the symptoms that he or she is trying to manage may get worst. On other occasions, liquids could freeze or become clumpy and chunky. Insulated box liners are just what the doctor ordered for providing packages with short-term protection against the low duration exposure to extreme temperatures.

Consumers can elect to go with a single or double-bubble design. The first is primarily for heat protection, while the second protects against cold and hot temps. These units are also lightweight as not to make shipping costs go up, which is something that all online pharmacies and their customers appreciate. Plus, the liners fit FedEx, UPS, and USPS boxes. Hence, they have web-based drugstores covered, regardless of what shipping service they use.

So, if you are the pharmacist in charge, don’t hesitate to give these liners a look. They are an excellent choice for showing patients that the business cares. Then, with any luck, they will tell their friends, neighbors, and so on, leading to increased sales and profits.